Wednesday, July 6, 2011

my new happy place.

sorry, wegmans.  you're just too far to get to these days.

hubby and i once kayaked out here.  i think we were paddling through cedar creek and it's where the creek emptied out into the barnegat bay.

i thought i was going to die that day.  no joke.  the day started out calmly, by the time we exited the creek the waves were sooo hard to get through from the storm coming.  mind you, the only place to land was the little "baby beach" at berkeley island.  we got yelled at by the lifeguards.  seems ironic that we felt our lives were threatened and of all people the "life" guard yells at us.  hmm.

as much as i love hanging out in our backyard, this girl has got to get out in tow.

the view here is great, there is a play area for the kids, crabbing/fishing dock, and a covered picnic area.  i love the small beach, too.  i'm a bit of a paranoid mama, so having a nice, quiet beach while the kids can play along the edge without getting swept out the sea makes me happy.

and there is a "life" guard.

and it's clean.

and it's free.

where else can you snack at the park and watch sailboats sail on by?!?

kids had fun today, but it was getting a little too hot for my red-head and toe-head.  next time, we'll just get there when it's 6am.  ha.

now if i can just get a babysitter so i can enjoy this place quietly.

a girl can dream.

what's your happy place?


  1. They are so big! Free beaches - the way it should be!

  2. hi kel- yes, these kids are growing up too darn fast:( yours, too. almost didn't recognize tim in one of your pics. i like free beaches.

  3. Hi Jill!!!, what a pretty place to escape to, free, safe, fun, dreamy...check check check!!. I do miss the beaches from in NC there's lakes nearby, but the closest beach is 2hrs away...not too far, just not the same as where we lived before. Makes it kinda funny to think that when I was there I never really went to the beach, and now I'm missing, human nature..but I'm going to visit this weekend, so I'll bury my feet in the sand for a minute before they

    P.S... How's the new house???


  4. Meli- house is kinda at a stand still. too much going on to get anything done. i'm pregnant again so i've been feeling pretty sick and tired. sigh. this weeks weather looks gorgeous out here, so i may venture out to the real beach...alone...with the kids:) we burn, so i gotto go early...whenever low tide is. how's your house coming along?
