Thursday, April 7, 2011

national no housework day

how did i miss this one?!?

today is the one day i have an excuse and i blow it!  i started off my day by running a load of clothes, emptying dishwasher, picking up toys from night before...

and then i sit down with my cup of coffee, got on the internets, and read somewhere it was national no housework day.


i even missed world nutella day on february 5th.  double fail.

i'd like a do-over.  anyone with me?

i was curious to see what tomorrow is and i found a great list of all the "holidays" in april.

April Fool's Day

International Fun at Work Day
International Tatting Day
National Walk to Work Day
Children's Book Day
National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day
Reconciliation Day
Don't Go to Work Unless it's Fun Day
Tweed Day
Hug a Newsman Day
Walk Around Things Day
School Librarian Day
Tell a Lie Day
Go for Broke Day
Plan Your Epitaph Day no thanks.
Sorry Charlie Day
Caramel Popcorn Day
No Housework Day
World Health Day
All is Ours Day
Draw a Picture of a Bird Day  um, okay?!?!
Name Yourself Day
Winston Churchill Day
10 Golfer's Day
10 National Siblings Day
11 Eight Track Tape Day
11 Barbershop Quartet Day
11 National Submarine Day
12 Big Wind Day - this day blows me away!
12 Russian Cosmonaut Day
13 Blame Someone Else Day
13 Scrabble Day
14 Ex Spouse Day
14 International Moment of Laughter Day
14 Look up at the Sky Day -booooring.
14 National Pecan Day
14 Reach as High as You Can Day
15 Rubber Eraser Day
15 Titanic Remembrance Day
16 National Eggs Benedict Day
16 National Librarian Day
16 National Stress Awareness Day
17 Blah, Blah, Blah Day
17 National Cheeseball Day   
17 Pet Owners Independence Day
18 International Juggler's Day - does it count if i'm a mom juggling kids?
18 Newspaper Columnists Day
18 Patriot's Day 
19 National Garlic Day
20 Look Alike Day
20 Volunteer Recognition Day
21 Kindergarten Day
21 National High Five Day third Thursday
22 Girl Scout Leader Day
22 National Jelly Bean Day
23 Lover's Day
23 National Zucchini Bread Day
23 Take a Chance Day
23 World Laboratory Day
24 Pig in a Blanket Day
25 Dyngus Day
25 East meets West Day
25 World Penguin Day
26 Executive Admin's Day (Secretary's Day)
26 Hug an Australian Day
26 National Pretzel Day
26 Richter Scale Day
27 Babe Ruth Day
27 National Prime Rib Day  that's what i'm talking about!!!
27 Tell a Story Day
28 Great Poetry Reading Day
28 Kiss Your Mate Day
29 Greenery Day
29 National Shrimp Scampi Day  oooooh yeah!
30 Hairstyle Appreciation Day
30 National Honesty Day we seriously need a day for this?!?

cool, huh?

my birthday falls on april 20th.  which is also national volunteer recognition day and look alike day.  boring, i know.

what holiday does your birthday fall on? check here.

monday, i will have another cheap wreath tutorial.  it's super cute and...that's all i'm saying.

you'll love it.  come back and check it out.

good night.


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